
Wood Snare Drums

Live Custom Hybrid Oak

Naturally Massive

Recording Custom Wood pergődobok

A dobkészítés több mint 50 év tapasztalatára építve a Recording Custom pergődob széles skálán hangolható, közepes sebességű hangindítás, melyet a játékos azonnal érez. Gyorsan hangolható és hozza azt a dinamikát, melyet a világ legjobb stúdió dobosai elvárhatnak.

Absolute Hybrid Maple

The answer to the question is drums that give you the sound you need, whenever you need it.Tonal requirements vary among drummers, differ with dynamics, and change, from band to band, song to song, moment to moment. With the Absolute Hybrid Series drums, Yamaha has succeeded in addressing this, with a drum set that possesses an extraordinary degree of expressive power, allowing drummers to pursue a level of expression that perhaps they've not experience before in their other drums. These drums offer a wide dynamic range that allows them to respond accurately to each and every stroke, and follow changes in dynamics, nuance, and touch, letting you play what you want to play.

Tour Custom pergődob

A sokoldaluság, projekció és dinamika tartomány, ezek azok a fontos tulajdonságok, melyekre a dobosok számíthatnak a Yamaha hangszereknél: kompromisszum nélküli megjelenés.

Stage Custom Snare

Stage custom snare drum sounds more fitted for this series drum sets with its materials and colors used same as toms of its series.

Metal Snare Drums

Recording Custom Aluminum Snare Drums

Recording Custom Snare Aluminum Models.2 size variations.

Recording Custom Brass Snare Drums

Recording Custom Snare Brass Models.3 size variations.

Recording Custom Stainless Steel Snare Drums

Recording Custom Snare Stainless Steel Models.2 size variations.

Stage Custom Steel Snare Drums

Stage Custom Snare Steel Models. 2 size variations.