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Yamaha RIVAGE PM Systems Deliver Live Streams For Baybeats 2021

Yamaha’s RIVAGE PM series digital mixing systems feature a range of highly configurable hardware, including five control surfaces, two DSP engines, two I/O rack units and two network protocols. These allow users to scale highly customizable systems to fit any modern mixing project's technical requirements.

RIVAGE PM5 Is Out For Blood

Having scored three UK No.1 albums, in the summer of 2021 Royal Blood set off on a UK tour of headline and festival shows, before heading to Mexico. Front of House engineer Phil Jones discovered that the Yamaha RIVAGE PM5 digital mixing system offers many solutions to difficulties faced by tours in the early 2020s.

Yamaha Delivers The Sound of Japan’s Past, Present and Future in 時の河 Tokinokawa

Throughout December and January, the British Film Institute (BFI) is hosting 時の河 Tokinokawa, a unique audiovisual installation inspired by the BFI National Archive’s moving images from early 20th century Japan. This artwork is the creation of UK media artists The Light Surgeons, with sound reproduction for the installation provided by Yamaha.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 Is The Perfect Fit For Foals’ Nigel Pepper

Changing audio mixing systems is a big decision for live engineers. It can be fraught with difficulty, especially if the specifications don't match the hands-on experience. But, as Foals front of house engineer Nigel Pepper discovered, Yamaha’s RIVAGE PM series completely lives up to its promise.

Serving Up Gourmet Experiences at Kevin Fehling’s The Table and Puzzle Bar

Nearly 30 years ago, Kevin Fehling set out on a journey to pursue his passion for food. Now a Michelin three-star chef, the result of many years of hard work is Hamburg’s The Table restaurant and its companion Puzzle Bar. Complementing their gourmet food and cocktails, the vision of Kevin and partner Dennis Ilies ensures that their ambience and customer experience are rated just as highly.

Yamaha and Molto Music Reach New Heights At The Dorchester

Bringing new, fresh live music to places where people don't expect it is the mission of London-based Molto Music. With a flagship project on the roof of The Dorchester, one of the city’s most prestigious hotels, the company is working closely with Yamaha to expand its ‘pop up’ live venues throughout the city.

Modest Budget, Big Ambitions: RIVAGE PM3 Mixes Vanara The Musical World Premiere

At the end of October London’s Hackney Empire theatre was the setting for the world premiere of Vanara The Musical, a timely tale of environmental disaster and tribal conflict with a message of hope and unity. Sound operator Ollie Dudman mixed Olly Steel’s sound design on a Yamaha RIVAGE PM3 digital mixing system.

Ruhrtriennale 2021 Begins With Surrealist Opera Bählamms Fest… and Yamaha RIVAGE PM10

Founded in 2012, Ruhrtriennale is a three-yearly cycle of music and arts events, which take place from August to October in Germany’s industrial Ruhr region. The prestige of staging this year’s opening production fell to Ensemble Modern, a renowned global collective of soloists, whose sound designer Norbert Ommer chose a Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system for the surrealist, unconventional opera Bählamms Fest.

Northern Ballet Dances Into The Future With RIVAGE PM3

Describing itself as ‘the UK's foremost narrative ballet company’, Northern Ballet performs a repertoire that ranges from very traditional to very contemporary. A key part of its work is taking shows on tour, performing for audiences away from its Leeds base. With touring now resuming, the ballet has looked to the future by investing in two Yamaha RIVAGE PM3 digital mixing systems. These were first put to use on the world premiere of the ballet Merlin, which started its tour at Nottingham Theatre Royal.

Burna Boy is Twice As Tall with Yamaha RIVAGE PM10

In August, Nigerian Afro-fusion star Burna Boy’s Twice As Tall event was the first in the London O2 Arena’s Welcome Back Show series of live concerts. Sold out with fans hungry for live entertainment, Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing systems helped deliver a much-anticipated, impressive live production.